Friday, 17 September 2010

Ayodhya needs bigger hearts!!!

A piece of land and a few fundamental forces can keep a whole lot of people on their toes. India has a living example to prove this, in the form of Ayodhya Ram Janma Bhoomi and Babri Masjid case.

The legal proceedings in the matter had been carrying on for last 60 years. Many people who were involved in the case died long ago, many others have changed their political alliances.

Now the court is ready with its verdict. The court is to decide basically whether originally there was a mosque or a temple.

Both parties in the case - Hindus and Muslims have the legal rights to move the Apex Court of the country, if the verdict is not in their favour.

Speculations are that in case the verdict goes in favour of Muslims, they would then hand over the land to Hindus, instead of taking any further legal action.

The reason is simple; a few progressive Muslims observe - ``The land in question is disputed and no Muslim would like to offer Namaaz at a site that had been involved in legal entangle. Let Hindus make a temple or do whatever they want to do with the land.''

Their opinion is -- ``The decision might ignite differences among the Muslims, but that would be a fight within a community and it would not cause a tussle between Hindu and Muslims.''

What a noble thought!

Why can't the Hindu forces think on such lines as this would end the tussle once for all.

This whole conjuncture sounds more like a wishful thinking, though.

But, if this happens, the government then can use the land for building a hospital where poor people can get free treatment. The hospital can be named Ram Janma Bhoomi Babri Masjid Hospital or Ayodhya Hospital, for which both Hindus and Muslims can donate money.

Or the land can also be used for building a higher education institute where students of Ayodhya can get higher degrees.

Such an act would benefit people from both the communities - which is not at all possible by building a mosque or a temple.

However, we can only wait and watch. Let's see what actually happens and who reacts in what way!!!


Anonymous said...

ask the reverse, will muslims give up mecca, u guys just dont understand who ayodhya is in Hindu Dharm?

you pseudo seculars will just keep minority licking and one day will find a burkha on u w

alka said...

We will cross the bridge when we are there....

But let me clarify one thing - what you call pseudo secularism - in some people and at some places it is REAL.

I am not working on the payroll of any Muslim or Hindu. And these are my independent views as I feel within my heart and as I have been brought up.

Anyways, thanks for sparing time in reading and then leaving your candid comments.

sachin said...

Mr/Ms Anonymous ,
Don't you know the difference between Tirupati Temple and the temple made in the park of a colony when people saw a stone was sipping milk over there ? Thats the difference between Mecca and the disputed land in Ayodhya . If you want to compare then compare the Hanuman Temple in Ayodhya with the Mecca .
No one is able to give enough evidence for the existence of an ancient temple at the disputed land . Do we in India lack so many temples that we are fighting for the one which we are not sure even existed ? Even if its true then where were you all when the temple was being destroyed by a Mughal ? Where was the Hindu protest at that time . Now if they want to use that land for praying wats ur damn problem ? You will never be short of temples in India . This is the peak time when people like you should broaden your mindset or shut your mouth up. This is the time when majority of both the religion will realise that we are the resident of one nation and people like you will try their best to prevent that .
Please keep in mind that we are not a Hindu nation . People in Ayutthya (Thailand) admired Shree Ram and his principles so much that they named their city after Ayodhya . Don't spoil your country's name by shedding blood just for the sake of worshipping . God is everywhere and best solution to this British generated problem is to construct a building for some public cause .

alka said...

very well said Sachin.....

Anonymous said...

Muslim religious leader want politics out of this conflict then only there will be a solution.
So long Babri Masjid was there the Bhagwan Ram Statue was protected now it is there and things does not work as it should be.
If we read Babarnama we will see his advise to his son how to rule India which has Hindu majority. It shows that he would have never allowed to destroy a temple!
Another fact comes into light that current location of city of Ayodhya is about 4o kms away from the city of Ayodhya where Lord Rama was born.
During some Muslim rulers Temples were converted to Masjid. In a case near Lahore a Masjid was converted into Gurudwara which was later given back to Muslims by British Raj.
Since 1947 there are more than 250 religious objects converted to a temple.
Babri Masjid case has one bad effect which justify creation of Pakistan. We all know it was historically wrong on grounds of fear of some rich Muslim landlords got support from British Raj devide and rule policy and a good number of conservative Hindu politicians as well supported the idea of creation of Pakistan.
Destroying Babri Masjid also proof that Hindu Bhajwan is stronger than Muslim Allah. IS IT? Infact it also tells us that Minority will never have easy life. So Secular Indian state is in reality not secular!
I would say convert this Ram Janam Bhumi-Babri Masjid to a Hospital or a school for global peace! Will our politicians like Narendra Modi (Indian Hitler)and Hindu Taliban allow it? who got killed innocent Muslims just like Muslim terror group. No religion allow to kill "Innocent" people.
I think Muslim rulers ruled places where they were in minority and object of hate which British Raj used.
As original Indians were dravadians they had darker faces/body. After 1857 where Muslims and Hindus jointly fought for freedom of India. British Raj people placed radical Muslims in Hindu areas and radical Hindus in Muslim area.
After 1857 British Raj propogated the idea every thing white like them is superior than black/brown like us Indians. Which we can see in Bollywood Fims- All Actoresses have brighter complexion. Above all around 1860/1870 suddenly colour of Hindu God/Godess changed from black to white! Exception Godess Kali and Bhagwan Krishna. This is the price Indians pay due to colonial rule. Our mind is still effected by British Raj. In few things it had good impact as well. After 1857 Hindus adopted to English school system where as Muslims delayed as they saw in English Rule as their direct enemy. Same the British Raj people felt about Muslims. I see Mulsims are facing today what Jews faced in Mid 20th Century. Advice to Muslims go for good education for all and learn that "no culture can survive if it attempt´s to be exclusive"