Saturday 17 December 2011

No more a burden!

Declining sex ratio (male/female) has very little to do with enforcement of law but has got everything to do with people's attitude. By enforcing the law we can save a couple of unborn  children but by changing the mindset of people, many unborn girl children can be saved from being killed when they are still in their mothers' womb.
People only need to be told that a girl is no more a burden on the society!
Its true, especially in a nation like India where the President is a woman, the Speaker in the Parliament is a woman, the major parties in the country are headed by women and the number of women in various male dominated fields is ever-increasing!  Besides, a religious nation most of the Indian deities are goddesses!
Recently, ActionAid, an international agency working on issues like hunger, poverty, gender issues etc. held a brain-storming workshop on declining sex ratio in India. It was a co-incident that a day later when I got the invitation for the workshop, a dear friend of mine sent me a link on illegal but rampant use of ultrasound technique in India, for identifying the sex of the foetus and then aborting the same if it is a girl. 
The link (a sting operation by a western journalist) in the states  of Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh was horrifying but was also an eye opener. Even educated people were involved in the henious crime of killing their unborn children - just because they  were girls.
A few basic reasons which can be identified o have been working behind this inhuman practice is dowry system. In India dowry system is prevalent in almost all the societies and communities. Even today, most families arrange the marriages of their children and that arrangement brings in the demand for expensive presents - which can be anything ranging from lavish parties to expensive cars or from jewellary to palatial houses. 
So the moment a girl is born the first thing that comes to parents' minds is how and from where the dowry would be arranged for her? And to save themselves from this Herculean task many parents decide to abort the child if it is diagnosed to be a girl. For this they depend on ultrasound technique.
The ultrasound is a useful technology to know any genetic deformities in the babies or to keep a track of the proper development of the babies in the womb. However the technology is used more for identifying the sex of the child. 
Although the government has made it mandatory for each ultrasound centre to specify that "no sex determination test is done" yet one cannot stop the parents to pay the doctor and also know the sex of the foetus. How can the law find out and if the doctors and the parents (in connivance to each other) misuse the technique and indulge in this illegal practice?  
The  law can only keep an occasional check on such ultrasound centres but what is actually required is changing the mindset of people. 
If a couple understands that a girl is not a burden. She can work in any sector today and excel. She can also be a respectable earning member of the family. Also, it is mostly the daughters who look after their parents when they are old. 
Lastly, and most importantly, if someday suppose all women are dead and only men are left - the world would then eventually come to an end as there would not be any new human being. But if all men are dead and only women are left, there would definitely be a few women who are carrying new lives in them and they would continue the world to move forward.
So please all men and women understand the value of being a woman. Don't underestimate her capabilities - a woman is in no way less than a man, rather in some cases she can do what a man cannot do - give birth to a new life!
Stop killing those who are creating the world! 


sachin said...

An eyeopening blog composed by a 'WOMAN' :-) It will take very long time here in this country to change the mindsets because every state , every section of our society has its own weird justification to accept the dowry or terminate the female foetus . But one day this mindset will surely change .
This should be seriously taken into consideration "The ultrasound is a useful technology to know any genetic deformities in the babies or to keep a track of the proper development of the babies in the womb."

Jackson said...

Perfectly on dot Alkaji! I am positive that we will make a difference slowly but surely. The task of changing the mindset of a nation is massive, daunting and forbidding to say in the least but we are upto it for sure. The change will have to come from each one of us. Policies, law and rules will surely show us the way but it will be each parent who will make a difference. Hope, pray and work towards making the girl child safe!

Unknown said...

It is estimated that about 50 million girls have gone missing. They are aborted based on their sex. India has passed laws 18 years ago making it illegal for a medical practitioner to reveal the sex of an unborn baby. This law is rarely implemented because most of the government officials and judiciary are apathetic to this epidemic. This has caused the sex ratios to be extremely skewed in certain parts of India.

Please read the following articles and the story of one lone woman, Dr Mitu Khurana, who has bought a case against the hospital, her husband and in- laws, who illegally found out the sex of her unborn twin baby girls and then tried to force her to have an abortion. She has been given the run around for four long years by the Indian judicial system.

Can anyone give a voice to the 50 million girls that have been silenced forever? All Dr. Khurana is asking for is a chance to go before an unbiased judge and be heard. Can anyone give a voice to the 50 million murdered and raise the question with Indian officials as to why they are silently witnessing the elimination of a whole generation. The silence of the Indian officials tell the story and makes us wonder if Dr. Khurana and the 50 million dead baby girls will ever see justice done.

alka said...

Dear Mitu,
The link is not opening. But I have red the story - it was horrifying and if I can recall correctly I shared the story on Facebook also.
The society will take a long to change - meanwhile we can do our bit...
As writers we can write on the issue as much as we can so that more and more people read and at least one person changes his thinking towards girls
As mothers we can set examples by practicing what we preach - give preference and priority to our daughters and daughter in laws and treat them on par with our sons...