Friday 6 May 2011

Human Rights?

Human Rights!
Every time a terrorist is killed anywhere in the world a debate starts in India on ``violation of Human Rights''.
The debate is sure to start after the Navy SEALs of the US succeeded in killing Osama Bin Laden - the man who changed the skyline of America.
The Times of India sparked the debate by raising the Human Rights issue. The paper wrote - ``American Commandos are now vulnerable to the allegation that they overreacted and cannot claim that they killed in self-defense. This is thanks to universally accepted principle that whenever there is scope to capture somebody alive, the first priority of the security personal should be to bring him to justice. The prospects of interrogating the Al Qaida chief and putting him on trial would have arguably served the cause of justice.''
Now, I am dreading the Human Rights activists to start the debate on the issue.
But the question is : which cause of justice they are talking about!
And what would anybody achieve by bringing the killers of millions of people to justice!!
India presents explicit examples of capturing terrorists and then bringing them to justice.
There are Afzal Gurus, Abu Salems and Abdul Kasabs locked in jails undergoing trial after trial.
They dared to attack the Indian parliament, killed thousands of innocent people, including children and women - of all religion and caste and all social and economical backgrounds.
Their never-ending trials are going on forever. We have grown old watching and listening about them. We also watched our politicians fighting over questions whether Afzal Guru should be given the death sentence or should he be pardoned. We have seen Kasab laughing at our lenient judiciary and political system. We have seen Abu Salem aspiring to reach the parliament eventually.
All courtesy - Human Rights!!!
No one talks of Human Rights when these barbaric people kill millions of innocent people in the name of Jihad.
Ask the families, which lost their sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, spouses in terrorist attacks, about Human Rights. For them the justice is when the man who caused a genocide, gets killed.
I, too, feel that the justice is when such barbaric and mentally deranged men are eliminated from this planet.
I salute to the US - the country which could wipe the tears of millions of people who lost their near and dear ones in the terrorist attack, in the real sense.
Such killings should not be seen as revenge - because they are not revenge in any senses.
If a tiger starts eating humans who are entering the forests he is declared man-eater and the more than often such tigers are killed to save human lives.
In the same way, people like Osama who are killing humans should be declared harmful for the human race and their elimination should be the only answer.
The news of Osama's killing made me also happy as I have been feeling frustrated with never ending trials of terrorists in India.
The reason behind my frustration and the frustration of many more alike is that we all know where these trials will lead to....
Obviously to nowhere!!!


Julius said...

I truly agree with your words Alka..... Next we will have to do something about Ms. Maneka Gandhi an Animal rights or protector !!! What does she have to say about a Rabid Infected dog who is mad a bites a Human???? Should we love it???? I think she is insane herself. Ask her to keep all these animals in their houses. Also the Human rights should do the same.

Anonymous said...

I think this writer is fooling herself.Noam Chomsky , author of numerous best-selling political works including his latest “ of Power and Terror “ writes on Osama killing :”In societies that profess some respect for law, suspects are apprehended and brought to fair trial. I stress “suspects.”
He also added : “We might ask ourselves how we would be reacting if Iraqi commandos landed at George W. Bush’s compound, assassinated him, and dumped his body in the Atlantic”
. And this blog writer is blissfully unaware of the wider implications of this development and says, as no one did with such juvenile gusto , added ,she was happy to hear Osama’s killing

alka said...

My humble suggestion to you mr. intellectual anonymous - in my view you should please stop wasting your time in reading things you find trash, better would be that you start reading things which are in sync with your thinking....
people are free to think the way they think and free to write what they want to write - no one has forced you to read this blogs.....

Ayesha Joshi said...

Mr Anonymous is bit acidic in his language but what he says is right.Besides, why does Ms Alka go after her critics?.If you are so intolerant of criticism why write blogs at all? Do you want everyone to flatter you?

alka said...

I agree with you Ayesha,
I am not looking for flattery and am also not going after every critic.
But criticism should strictly be on the issue with no personal attacks in bad taste.
from my side I close this argument here..

Anish Tyagi said...

NHRC says , of the 78,657 human rights violations cases , registered in 2009-10, 46,917 violations were in the state of Uttar Pradesh,Ms Pande hails from

Manish Pradhan said...

I am not surprised by this blogwriters skewed argument for some have even argued that Hitler was not wrong in carrying out the Holocaust, but he was unacceptable as he lost the war...

sachin said...

Mr Anish Tyagi I would really like to know to which Indian State do you belong . I can provide you with a list of such negative statistical data no matter what State is it . No one is clean here . If a person hails from a State having highest HR violations doesn't mean he/she cannot appreciate the justice done by another country which includes killing of a human who ordered killing of thousands of others and justified it in the name of GOD

Namita Gokhale said...

Keya Baat hai..kish kisham ki angreji likhte ho bap sachin...who which when how ...ha ha ha

sachin said...

नमिता जी ,
कृपया अपने प्रयास स्वयम कि हिंदी सुधारने में लगायें बजाये दूसरों कि अंग्रेजी ठीक करने के .
kish is kis : किस
kisham is kism : किस्म
angreji is angrezee : अंग्रेज़ी
keya is kya : क्या
Anyway which "who which when how" are u referring to ?

alka said...

better would be leave such personal allegations.. There are people who appreciate and there are some who find criticism more interesting.....