Saturday 7 August 2010

Traffic Park - for whom ?

The government of Uttar Pradesh has constructed a Traffic Park in the capital city of Lucknow. The park is spread in over 2,500 acres and is equipped with especially designed infrastructure and educates the visitor about various traffic rules and road signs. The aim behind setting up such a park is to teach traffic rules to the children.
Very good idea indeed!
But what I think is that in this city it is not the children who need to be educated about traffic and its rules and the road signs but the elders who badly need tuitions in traffic rules.
Of the elders, it is basically the drivers of politicians and bureaucrats (zooming in ambassadors/MUVs/SUVs with red and blue lights on top), who urgently need to to be educated about traffic rules.
Then there are roadways bus drivers - who drive so rash that they take one life invariably every day - and also the drivers of school buses - who speed recklessly while ferrying our young ones and speed - they require proper training in traffic rules.
Also, the drivers of roadways buses and big lorries like dumpers - carrying construction material - which too kill one or two people on a daily basis, need to be taken to driving classes and pumped in some sense of traffic rules.
Lastly, the auto drivers of the city, who in a fight to be ahead of each other block the whole road, they also require to sit through driving classes.
The government should organise formal visits for these aforementioned species to the traffic park, where they should be asked questions about various road signs. I am sure a whole lot of them would look as dumb as dumb can be as to them the traffic rules and road signs are nothing but Greek.
Once these elders have learnt how to drive like civilised persons, the children will automatically learn the rules and regulations.
It is a known fact that children learn faster by seeing and copying their elders.


Raaj said...

very true & daring.unfortunately it just falls on the deaf ears of rule/system executioners who themselves don't know why the rules are & who should observe them. Our Govt here expertises in draining out public money in creating huge structures or so called facilities to ensure their own cuts & kickbacks rather than a help to people.

alka said...

Very well said Raaj....It is unfortunate...

rajiv said...

True. traffic sense and strict following is more important than park

Alka Pande said...


Unknown said...

exellent article, but we have the same problem in the UK with Politicians in particular our present MP who isnt exactly an up-front character, well trained in public relation but very little substance. Dont give up keep at it and hopefully we will get those self-fullfilling politicians to work for those us, the people who pay to make them even richer

Rishi Mathur said...

Well Said... Another issue is the usual view of cow & buffalos sitting on the middle of the roads with their whole family, creating a bottle neck for the traffic to move. The roads are still narrow, and the occupancy of such unleashed animals 'adds value' to the scene.. Two months back a close friend of mine met a severe accident when a cow came running on the road on Kursi Road in Lucknow..